Our insurance claims service has improved, and customers have begun to notice.
"As a result of our organic and acquisitive growth, we recognized that we needed to change the way we did business, says AmTrust’s Chief Claim Officer Darrel Price. So the company began making a concerted effort to get claims service to the industry-leading level it was in years past.

“I have heard nothing but praise from our faculty member about how AmTrust handled her claim,” said one policyholder who answered a recent customer service survey and rated the service a “1” on a scale of 1 to 5. The rating scale goes from low to high, with a “1” indicating most satisfied and “5” least satisfied.
The AmTrust Claims Department is making big strides to improve efficiency and customer service making the claims process more expedient for agents and policyholders alike.
Faster, Better, Personalized Customer Service
Since the company lowered the adjuster-to-supervisor ratios to 4-to-1, each supervisor oversees only four claims adjusters. In addition, each adjuster averages about 130 claims at any given time, a number far below industry standards, Price says.
“We’ve also established an internal claims audit team,” Price says. “These people had been claims managers in their own disciplines (such as auto, general liability, or property) and are now dedicated to performing claims audits across the country. This helps us pick up on trends – both good and bad – in customer service as we increase our quality and timeliness.”
Additional improvements to AmTrust’s claims process include:
Increasing the company’s claims call center staff, enabling each and every agent and policyholder who calls to speak immediately with a live person
Providing customer service training to all 1,600 claims department employees
Disseminating satisfaction surveys to many agents and insureds
- Establishing a national claims account management program (CAM), through which claims liaisons manage large accounts

“We service large accounts by providing extraordinary service through the CAM program, as well as providing direct access to claims account managers,” Price says. Insureds who have premiums at $300,000 or above and agents who have accounts that add up to $3 million or more with AmTrust receive CAM service.
Always Striving to Serve You Better
According to Price, efforts to improve claims customer service will continue. “We’re quickly becoming all things to all people, expanding our service offerings from a one-size-fits-all model to a truly customer-tailored claims service offering,” he explains.
Learn more about the AmTrust claims story by viewing a brief video on the company’s history and growth. And be sure to tell us what you think about our claims process – we’re listening!