Important Update: Our thoughts are with everyone affected by the California wildfires. Agents and insureds with claims should contact us at 888-239-3909 or visit our claims page for more information.

Take Your Loss Control to the Next Level

Topics: Loss Control

Small business owners and commercial insurance companies have this common goal – prevent claims.  Minimizing exposure to avoidable risks resulting in claims doesn’t end with the purchase of workers’ compensation insurance and/or business liability insurance.

The goal can be reached when loss control is taken to the next level with the use of industry-specific technical guidance and general safety and training resources.  Access to those types of resources and trainings can help small business owners implement practices focused on the prevention of avoidable risks.

Where to Begin

Take Your Loss Control to the Next Level

AmTrust has an extensive online collection of loss control reference materials, including industry-specific technical guidance and general safety and training resources.  We have also established a partnership with an external resource for web-based, on-demand training videos that insureds can incorporate into safety briefings in their workplace.

Additionally, AmTrust offers consultation services for the review of conditions and practices in specific work environments.  Our trained professionals can recommend updates to the workplace to help in the prevention of avoidable risks.

For additional information on our loss control offerings and services, please contact us via email at or phone at 888-486-7466, ext. 363275.


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